Monday, April 28, 2014

Therapy Sessions & Torticollis

Liam is in therapy twice a week and has been now for the last 2 and a half months. He is being treated for Torticollis ((neck muscle tightening)) This was the actual cause of the Flathead for him. With his neck being tight.. He could never be in tummy time.. it was horrendous for him. Screaming for deal life! Thus, causing him to always be on his back.
((**As SIDS is an issue and they recommend babies sleeping on their backs rather than their tummies.. the best thing to do for them is to re-position them throughout the day.** )) 

The dr said: Just give him time.. some babies don't like tummy time. Even though I would mention that he was stiff and didn't look to the right. ((needless to say.. this Dr has been fired and no longer practices with my ped's office-thank God)

Since he wasn't able to be on tummy time-- he didn't develop the muscles in his back, legs and arms the way he was supposed to. So he has been getting therapy for neck stretching and muscle toning. 

On his first appt... (6 months old) he couldn't roll, lift his head during tummy time (or even stand being on his tummy for 2 minutes), look to the right , withhold his weight in his legs.. or sit. 

He would always have his shoulder very close to his ear.. as you can see here. His face only looks straight because his whole body is slanted here.

You'll notice in the picture below that his neck has plenty of extension now. Also: he sits and plays without any assistance and rolls like a champ. He wants to stand but not crawl. And even though many children skip crawling altogether.. the therapist wants him to go through each stage accordingly.

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